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I'm so Stupid; They Even Call Me A Dummy!
I'm probably the biggest internet dummy ever, but yesterday I made $240. The day before I made $160; The day before that I made $80, and the day before that I made $280. And do you know what I did to make that money..........nothing! Actually I let someone else do all the work, they did all the leg work and put all the time in, but I made all the money..........100% of it. I don't even sell anything. I give something away for free, and every time I give it away, I make money. It's awesome! I don't even need a website. This guy called Jon Davies built a website, but he let me change his payment button and put mine in there instead of his. There was nothing else for me to do. I just deleted his pay details.......put my own email address in it's place.......he still ran the website as if it was still his, but every time "he" made a sale, I was the one who got the money. Yes I'm a computer dummy, but I feel like a bit of a genius now I've found this. It's pretty smart for me to be making money when someone else is doing all the work. And you can do exactly the same if you want. All you have to do is go to the site I found and do what I did. Have a look at this: I promise you'll be making money in a few hours from now. It's like nothing you've ever seen before. Hurry before the crazy man comes to his senses and stops offering this out. Regards SohcanVisit Website

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