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Christmas is getting closer all the time. Order your Santa Evidence Kit for the kids today so you are ready. Nothing like hearing the laughter of happy children in our world! Don't you just love that sound? Get yours now so you can hear the laughter too... Merry Christmas!!Visit Website
At last, a networking site that pays its members
Yuwie brings all the benefits of the larger and better known networking sites. Plus, it pays out to members a share of its earnings. You're never going to get rich here, but it is a way to earn a little pin money while having a good time.Visit Website
Organic Online Gardening
Harvest Fresh Boxes Your Organic Acres is like nothing you’ve ever seen before. You will have access to your own online 24/36/48 box Harvest Fresh Organic Garden 24/7and be able to choose and order Organically Grown vegetables from the comfort of your own living room through the magic of the computer. You will then have your favorite products delivered FRESH to your door every week! You will have an expert gardener till, plant, hoe, and harvest your crops for you. You can then choose to sell all or a portion of your Harvest Fresh Boxes in our farmers market, have all or a portion of your Harvest Fresh Boxes shipped FRESH to your house for dinner or give all or a portion of your Harvest Fresh Boxes to feed the hungry. All of this will be handled for you by the expert staff at Organic Acres. All of your Harvest Fresh Boxes will contain only naturally grown pesticide free products. Let me say again you have never seen anything like this! Check the calendar frequently for new live meetings if you have further questions. Copy and paste into your browser --------------------------------- BAD NEWS From China! Fake Chinese organics try to slip into US market Posted on March 2, 2011 by Organic Acres (NaturalNews) There seems to be no shortage of fraud coming out of China these days, with a recent report issued by the non-profit Cornucopia Institute (CI) stating that a certain Chinese agricultural supplier has attempted to export fake organic products into the U.S. The report states that the supplier forged fake organic certification documents in an effort to capitalize on the large and growing U.S. market for organic products.Visit Website

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