If you haven't heard of blogs by now that's
nothing to be ashamed of - I know this because
I couldn't even understand what a blog was for let
alone how to use them!
If you don't know how to upload a blog using
your cPanel, you'll want to see this.
If you don't know how to navigate your way
around the dashboard or what each function
does, you'll want to see this.
If you don't know how to modify themes,
templates and CSS to get the blog looking
exactly how you want, then you'll definitely
want to see this.
And if you've been told by some guru to
'create a blog' and you've been left out
in the cold as to how to go about creating
one, then you'll definitely want to see
All in all, there are 43 info-packed videos
that will take you from A-Z in the blogging
All those little kinks that the guru's assume
you already know can *FINALLY* be taught all
in one place!
Visit Website