My One Year Ago Story.
There I was, floundering on the Internet.
Not knowing how it all worked.
How do Traffic Exchanges work?
How do Safelist Work?
How do I craft an e-mail to send to other people?
Where can I advertise and not get into trouble?
How can I make enduring friendships on the Internet?
Why does it cost a lot of bucks every month?
I can`t afford the monthly cost they want!
Are you like me a year ago?
I did a great deal of searching and reading.
I looked at a lot of websites.
I looked at a lot of offers that the
GURUs? sent me, professing to make
me rich in a month, Oh Boy, all my worries are over.
THEN!! I found it.!!!!
A quiet little mention of a group of marketers
on a website I was reading, a site that felt
like the owner was speaking to me like a friend
at the breakfast table. No Hard Sell.
It would be an honor to afford you the same
quiet mention of this group.
B T W:
You won`t spend a lot of bucks either.
For a One(1) time buy of an online ad, Twenty Five(25)
US Bucks, you place an ad.vert.isment for a year
and change it as often as you wish. Whichever Site You Want.
That alone is worth the funds you layout.
That is not the best part. Wait to your hear this.
If You accept being a FR!EE member in our Group
you will make contacts and Build Relationships
that will endure the test of time.
Those relationships can be worth a lot of M0ney over time.
That also is well worth the M0ney you spend.
HOLD ON, I am not done Yet!
Get This!! At no cost to you!
Myself and others will train you and help you
to be a productive member and start your path
to making it on the Internet.
Knowledge is a wonderful thing.
You are NOT! floundering, trying to figure it out.
Here is the link to get you where I am.
I mean, after all, isn`t that why you read this?
Doug Tidwell
Skype ID: doug.tidwell
Visit Website