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Sign-Up for our FREE Weekly eZine PLUS find out how you can generate $111,110 in 60 days
- Easier than you EVER imagined just by referring 10 other people to sign up for FREE!
Are you ready for this? Here we go!
Step #1.
You already completed it by filling in the form and signing up for FREE.
Step #2.
Once you sign up for FREE to start receiving our "ThePowerof10 Weekly eZine", you will be taken to the "Members Area". Inside the members area you are given a speical link to refer 10 people (or more, that is up to you) to sign up for FREE for our "ThePowerof10 Weekly eZine".
Step #3.
You will start to generate your $111,110!
Here is how:
For EVERY person that you send to sign up for our FREE "ThePowerof10 Weekly eZine", you will earn $1
That's right! We are going to pay you for your FREE referrals! $1 isn't a lot; we know that, but hang on, it gets BETTER!
We are also going to pay you $1 for your referrals - referrals! So lets say that you refer "Bob", you earn $1. Then "Bob" refers "Tom" and "Laura", "Bob" earns $2 for his 2 FREE referrals and SO DO YOU! So, you have already earned $3 just for sending one person "Bob", through your referal link to sign up for FREE!
P.S. Just for signing up for FREE to our weekly ezine,
we are going to credit your advertiser account with $100 that you could use towards the purchase of ANY available ads!
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